2. Verify the freshness of your eggs.
Cost: $0*
Purpose: To check eggs’ freshness without cracking them open
All you need to do to do this free trick is locate a glass of water. Even though most of us have purchased a pack of eggs from Walmart or another grocery shop, some of us have a tendency to doubt the dates on the pack.

Make Sure the Eggs Are Fresh ©Shutterstock/Atlantist Studio
You can find out if your eggs are fresh or not with this hack. Take an egg and drop it into the water in a glass. It's fresh if it lies on its side and sinks to the bottom. The eggs are older but still edible if they sink and rise to the top or bottom. Eggs that float indicate that they are no longer fresh and should be thrown away.
3. Create a face mask with egg white.
Cost: $7*
Purpose: Makes a moisturizing face mask for cheap
We are providing you with the skincare recommendations that we promised. Simply beat the egg whites until they are stiff, white, and foamy to create a moisturizing and hydrating mask for your skin.

Create a Face Mask Out of Egg White @recibeauty1/Pinterest
Add a teaspoon each of lemon juice and honey after that. After giving yourself a warm water wash, use a fan brush or cotton pad to apply the mask to your skin. Before you rinse it off, leave it on. It is much less expensive and works wonderfully better than purchasing the newest skincare craze at Ulta.