15 Egg Hacks We Wish We Knew Sooner

4. Finish Sunny Side Up Eggs in Your Oven

Cost: $3-$6* Purpose: Makes sunny side up eggs without the use of the stove Sunny-side-up eggs are a popular breakfast choice, and this tip can make yours extra crispy and tasty. You have the option to cook the entire meal in the oven or just the eggs after you've finished frying them in a skillet.

To finish Sunny Side Up Eggs, use your oven. ©Photography by Marie Sonmez/Shutterstock Grease a muffin tin or baking sheet and preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Crack the eggs into the tin or sheet. Before serving, sprinkle them with salt and pepper for a final touch and bake them for four minutes, or until the whites set. Want a how-to video? Tutorials are available on websites such as YouTube.

5. Steam Scrambled Eggs

Cost: $3-$6* Purpose: You can steam eggs in a water bath for silky, soft scrambled eggs These scrambled eggs are the "silkiest" and "softest" you've ever tried, according to Steam & Bake. Preheat your oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit in order to steam scrambled eggs. Next, apply nonstick cooking spray to an 8" by 8" baking pan.

Steaming Eggs @Pinterest/Tripadvisor Pour the mixture into the dish and cover with foil after whisking the eggs and spices (if desired) in a bowl. Place that 8 by 8 in a 9 by 13-inch dish. Fill the bigger dish with water until it reaches the top of the mixture. While the eggs bake for 35 to 40 minutes, this water bath will produce steam in your oven.

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