14. Create a Korean-style Tornado Omelet
Cost: $1*
Purpose: Make this unusual egg recipe
Korean-inspired dish just takes ten minutes to prepare, according to BBC Good Food. The BBC website has the complete recipe.

Create a Korean-Style Tornado Omelet at ©gontabunta/
The tornado omelet basically calls for shaping the eggs while they cook in a hot, nonstick pan by swirling chopsticks into them. A nonstick pan, a set of chopsticks, and an easily controlled heat source are required. Just so you know, it can take a few tries to get used to this.
15. The Secret To Fluffy Scrambled Eggs
Cost: $0*
Purpose: Makes fluffier scrambled eggs
There are numerous tips available to help you make the ideal fluffy scrambled eggs. Before putting the eggs in the pan, season them and warm the pan just enough to not allow the eggs to cook through.

The Trick to Fluffy Scrambled Eggs on Pinterest and TripAdvisor
You only want to cook the eggs over medium-low heat because high heat will render them rubbery. It may seem paradoxical, but adding water to your eggs instead of milk will make them fluffier when the water evaporates while cooking.