Billion-Dollar Birds: Exploring the World's Largest and Most Expensive Military Planes

6. Growler EA-18G

Joined the Service in 2006 Not retired: N/A Price: *$74.8 million Specialised in electronic warfare, the Boeing EA-18G Growler is an aircraft that is stationed aboard carriers. It was intended to take the place of Northrop Grumman's EA-6B Prowlers. formally flown on August 15, 2006, the Growler was formally introduced on September 22, 2009.

Growler EA-18G ©Peter R. Foster IDMA and Shutterstock The Royal Australian Air Force also uses the Boeing Co Growler in addition to the U.S. Navy. In 2017, Australia purchased twelve Growlers. The Growler and the Super Hornet share an airframe, weaponry, and AESA radar, giving them over 90% of their similarities. Jamming pods and wideband receivers are examples of new technology.

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