Exploring the Military Vehicles That Drained National Treasuries

4. Littoral Combat Ship (LCS)

Joined the Service in 2008 Producer: Lockheed Martin and Austal USA Price: *$360 million The U.S. Navy's contemporary strategy for conducting naval operations in coastal waters, or the "littorals," is embodied by the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS). The LCS's fast, nimble, and modular design allows it to quickly transition between missions, such as anti-submarine warfare, mine countermeasures, and surface combat, through mission packages.

Naval Air Crewman 2nd Class Nicholas Kontodiakos/Wikimedia Commons, Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) There are two different designs that prioritize speed, flexibility, and shallow draft: the monohull Freedom variant and the trimaran-hulled Independence variant. Because of its versatility, the ship can counter developing asymmetric threats. Despite criticism regarding its armament and costs, the LCS's adaptability guarantees that it will continue to play a key role in the Navy's operations in challenging near-shore environments in the future.

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