Keep Your Eyes Open: Inspiring Stories of Unexpected Discoveries Await

6. A man from Ohio purchases a thrift store poster that turns out to be a Picasso

Place: Ohio's Columbus Year Found: 2012 Approximate Value: $7,000* This heartwarming tale centres on a struggling guy who discovers a remarkable work of art. A man by the name of Zachary Bodish was browsing a thrift store in Columbus, Ohio in 2012 when he noticed a fantastic poster that he thought was a copy of an for a Picasso exhibit. After paying $14.14 for it, he brought it home and had it valued.

Picasso Found on a Thrift Store Poster @dailymail/Pinterest Following the assessment, he learned that this poster was a genuine print, signed and made by Pablo Picasso. The thrifter, who was short for cash following his recent job loss as manager of an art centre, received a windfall when Bodish managed to resell it for $7,000.

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