8. A Curious Graveyard Found in Johannesburg, South Africa
Location: South Africa's Johannesburg
Discovered in 2010
Estimated value (human remains): N/A
If horror films are to be believed, disturbing the dead is the last thing you want to do, so discovering an ancient cemetery isn't exactly a pleasant find for anyone. But in 2010, that is precisely what occurred at the Johannesburg, South Africa's Crown Mine.

Strange South African Cemetery Discovered @IndyOnline/Pinterest
Crown In October 2010, when mine security personnel noticed bones protruding from the earth, they called the police. Upon closer inspection, 650 bones dating back to the early 1900s were discovered, making this cemetery one of the biggest in the city. The absence of documentation is the primary enigma surrounding this discovery. The fact that no cemetery has ever been established in this place bewilders experts who question why this sizable graveyard was kept a secret.