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9. Rumours of a New "Atlantis" Arise From the Sunken City of Cuba

Place: Cuba's Pinar del Río Year Found: 2001 Estimated Value: Not Given There have been numerous "Sunken Cities" reported worldwide, and each one fuels the theory that Atlantis, the fabled submerged metropolis, may have existed there. Sonar imagery off the coast of Pinar del Rio in 2001 revealed a Cuban undersea structure.

Rumours of a New "Atlantis" Arise From the Sunken City of Cuba @dailymail/Pinterest Large, smooth pieces of hewn granite were used to create the numerous circular buildings and pyramids that have been found. A marine geologist named Manuel Iturralde says more samples from the location are required to identify it. The formations were deemed "out of time" and "out of place" by Iturralde. In any case, a lot of marine experts think that this "sunken city" is a natural structure.

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