11. The Enigmatic Voynich Text That Confounded Decoders for Years
Where: Italy
Year Found: 1912
Estimated Worth: Not specified
The Voynich Manuscript has baffled decoders for hundreds of years. The Manuscript is an illustrated codex produced by hand in an as-yet-unidentified writing style that would eventually be referred to as "Voynichese." Illustrations of vegetation, floating heads, zodiac signs, dragons and other mythical animals, naked ladies, astronomical symbols, castles, and more can be found on the 240 vellum pages.

Years Have Passed With No Answer for Voynich Manuscript ©Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale University/Wikimedia Commons
The Manuscript was created in Italy during the revolutionary Italian Renaissance, according to stylistic assessments, and it is written on vellum that has been carbon dated to the early 1400s. Some have asserted that the Manuscript is nothing more than a sophisticated hoax, created to resemble a riddle with no answers.